Aikido and Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai (ISSASK)

Aikido was founded by Morihei Ueshiba, (December 14, 1883- April 26, 1969) in Western Japan, and is considered one of the world’s foremost martial artists. After training classical styles of Enjin Shin Yo-Ryu Jujutsu, Goto-Ha YagyuShingan-Ryu, Daito-Ryu Jujutsu, and being a devout follower of the Omoto Kyo Religion, of whom received an exceptional level of spiritual awareness; he created Aikido, the art which maximizes self-defense with minimal force.

Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai (ISSASK) is a non profit organization founded by Hitohira Saito Sensei, student of the Founder of Aikido ~ Morihei Ueshiba Sensei and his father Morihiro Saito Sensei ~ Guardian of Aiki Shrine, Uchideshi of Aikido’s Founder. The goal is to preserve and share the great influence of Morihiro Saito Sensei while remaining faithful to the technical and spiritual heritage left by the Founder Morihei Ueshiba.

Aikido and Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai (ISSASK)

Aikido was founded by Morihei Ueshiba, (December 14, 1883- April 26, 1969) in Western Japan, and is considered one of the world’s foremost martial artists. After training classical styles of Enjin Shin Yo-Ryu Jujutsu, Goto-Ha YagyuShingan-Ryu, Daito-Ryu Jujutsu, and being a devout follower of the Omoto Kyo Religion, of whom received an exceptional level of spiritual awareness; he created Aikido, the art which maximizes self-defense with minimal force.

Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai (ISSASK) is a non profit organization founded by Hitohira Saito Sensei, student of the Founder of Aikido ~ Morihei Ueshiba Sensei and his father Morihiro Saito Sensei ~ Guardian of Aiki Shrine, Uchideshi of Aikido’s Founder. The goal is to preserve and share the great influence of Morihiro Saito Sensei while remaining faithful to the technical and spiritual heritage left by the Founder Morihei Ueshiba.

About Busenkai

岩間神信合気道 武仙会とは

岩間神信合気道は茨城県笠間市(岩間)で晩年を過ごされた合気道開祖、植芝盛平翁によって残された、開祖直伝の合気道になります. 合気道の稽古方法や技に対しての考え方、そして心の持ち様など、開祖に24年間寄り添い、寝起きを共にして学んだ齋藤守弘師範そして、その教えを全て引き継いだ子息、齋藤(仁弘)仁平先生、齋藤安洸先生(二代目齋藤守弘)よって現在引きつがれています.

武仙会の代表である仙北谷蔵人(Kurato Kenny Sembokuya )は齋藤仁平先生に師事し、2008年に岩間神信合気修練会の東京支部として岩間神信合気道武仙会を設立いたしました.
その後、Kenny Sembokuyaが率いる武仙会は武仙会マレーシア支部、武仙会インドネシア支部、武仙会台湾支部、武仙会カナダ支部と武仙会イギリス広がり、現在は武道(合気道)を通じ、支部間の交流の中から、国際的な視野を広げ、文武両道を掲げ、健全な心と肉体を育み、社会に貢献できる人材の育成に努めております.

武:武士道の7つの徳 1 正しさ、2 勇敢さ、3 慈しみ、4 敬意、5 誠実、6 誇り、7 忠誠

What is the Iwama Shinshin Aikido Busenkai Organization?

The Iwama Shinshin Aikido is the Aikido of the founder, left by Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido who spent his last years in the city of Kasama, in Ibaraki Prefecture (Iwama). Morihiro Saito sensei, was the closest student to the founder. For more than 24 years, he diligently studied the different aspects of the art of Aikido and how to reflect on these techniques. He put all his life and heart into it. This inherited tradition has been preserved by Hitohira Saito Sensei and Yasuhiro Saito Sensei (Morihiro Saito Nidaime).

Kurato “Kenny” Sembokuya sensei is the representative of the Busenkai group. He studied under the teachings of Hitohira Saito sensei and established the Iwama Shinshin Aikido Busenkai in 2008 as the Tokyo branch of the Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai Association.
After that, the martial arts association led by Kenny Sembokuya expanded to the International Busenkai branches in Malaysia, Busenkai Indonesia, Busenkai Taiwan, Busenkai UK and the Busenkai association branch in Canada. Therefore, at Busenkai we strive to help people develop human values and contribute to society. All of this, by broadening our international perspective by advocating the honest study of Japanese culture and martial arts, thus nurturing a healthy mind and body.

武仙会の意味. The meaning of the Busenkai’s name:

“Bu”: It comes from the seven principles of Japanese Bushido 1 正しさ、[Tadashiisa] Correctness.
2 勇敢さ、[Yuukansa] Bravery.
3 慈しみ、[Itsukushimi] Mercy.
4 敬意、[Keii] Respect.
5 誠実、[Seiijitsu] Honesty.
6 誇り、[Hokori] Pride.
7 忠誠、[Chuusei] Loyalty.

“Sen”: This comes from the meaning of people who takes the road striving for mastery.

“Kai”: This Japanese term refers to an organization of people with a common goal.

About Busenkai

岩間神信合気道 武仙会とは

岩間神信合気道は茨城県笠間市(岩間)で晩年を過ごされた合気道開祖、植芝盛平翁によって残された、開祖直伝の合気道になります. 合気道の稽古方法や技に対しての考え方、そして心の持ち様など、開祖に24年間寄り添い、寝起きを共にして学んだ齋藤守弘師範そして、その教えを全て引き継いだ子息、齋藤(仁弘)仁平先生、齋藤安洸先生(二代目齋藤守弘)よって現在引きつがれています.

武仙会の代表である仙北谷蔵人(Kurato Kenny Sembokuya )は齋藤仁平先生に師事し、2008年に岩間神信合気修練会の東京支部として岩間神信合気道武仙会を設立いたしました.
その後、Kenny Sembokuyaが率いる武仙会は武仙会マレーシア支部、武仙会インドネシア支部、武仙会台湾支部、武仙会カナダ支部と武仙会イギリス広がり、現在は武道(合気道)を通じ、支部間の交流の中から、国際的な視野を広げ、文武両道を掲げ、健全な心と肉体を育み、社会に貢献できる人材の育成に努めております.

武:武士道の7つの徳 1 正しさ、2 勇敢さ、3 慈しみ、4 敬意、5 誠実、6 誇り、7 忠誠

What is the Iwama Shinshin Aikido Busenkai Organization?

The Iwama Shinshin Aikido is the Aikido of the founder, left by Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido who spent his last years in the city of Kasama, in Ibaraki Prefecture (Iwama). Morihiro Saito sensei, was the closest student to the founder. For more than 24 years, he diligently studied the different aspects of the art of Aikido and how to reflect on these techniques. He put all his life and heart into it. This inherited tradition has been preserved by Hitohira Saito Sensei and Yasuhiro Saito Sensei (Morihiro Saito Nidaime).

Kurato “Kenny” Sembokuya sensei is the representative of the Busenkai group. He studied under the teachings of Hitohira Saito sensei and established the Iwama Shinshin Aikido Busenkai in 2008 as the Tokyo branch of the Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai Association.
After that, the martial arts association led by Kenny Sembokuya expanded to the International Busenkai branches in Malaysia, Busenkai Indonesia, Busenkai Taiwan, Busenkai UK and the Busenkai association branch in Canada. Therefore, at Busenkai we strive to help people develop human values and contribute to society. All of this, by broadening our international perspective by advocating the honest study of Japanese culture and martial arts, thus nurturing a healthy mind and body.

武仙会の意味. The meaning of the Busenkai’s name:

“Bu”: It comes from the seven principles of Japanese Bushido 1 正しさ、[Tadashiisa] Correctness.
2 勇敢さ、[Yuukansa] Bravery.
3 慈しみ、[Itsukushimi] Mercy.
4 敬意、[Keii] Respect.
5 誠実、[Seiijitsu] Honesty.
6 誇り、[Hokori] Pride.
7 忠誠、[Chuusei] Loyalty.

“Sen”: This comes from the meaning of people who takes the road striving for mastery.

“Kai”: This Japanese term refers to an organization of people with a common goal.

Busenkai Linage

Ueshiba Morihei O’Sensei
Founder of Aikido

植芝 盛平, Ueshiba Morihei, (December 14, 1883 – April 26, 1969) was a Japanese martial artist and founder of aikido. He is often referred to as “the founder” Kaiso (開祖) or O’sensei(大先生/翁先生), “Great Teacher”.

Morihiro Saito Shihan

O’Sensei most faithful student. 斉藤 守弘 Saitō Morihiro, was a teacher of the Japanese martial art of aikido, with many students around the world. Saito’s practice of aikido spanned 56 years, from the age of 18, when he first met aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba, until his death in 2002.

During Saito sensei’s period as a deshi he taught classes in the Iwama dojo.

Before his death, the founder gave Morihiro Saito the responsibility of carrying on the teaching at the Iwama dojo and also the position of caretaker of the Aiki Jinja located in Iwama.

Hitohira Saito Soke

Founder of Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shuren Kai

斎藤 仁弘 Saitō Hitohiro, born in Iwama is the founding headmaster of Iwama Shin-Shin Aiki Shuren-kai. At age of seven, he started to learn aikido from Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of aikido, who cared for him as a grandson. After Ueshiba sensei died in 1969, he continued his practice with his father, thus becoming an official instructor of the Iwama dojo in 1986 and later founding the Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shhurenkai.

Morihiro (Yasuhiro) Saito Nidaime

齋藤安洸 Morihiro Sensei Nidaime is the third generation in the Saito family to lead the Iwama Shinshin Aikido and to preserve the technical and cultural heritage inherited from the founder.

Kurato Sembokuya

仙北谷蔵人 Fifth dan, father of three children and gastronomic entrepreneur, leads the international Aikido group Iwama Busenkai, which has achieved a presence not only in Japan, but also in Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia and Taiwan and England.

The vast trajectory of sensei Sembokuya has allowed him to be a witness and participant in the most recent history of the Founder’s aikido. He has experienced relevant milestones that have marked important stages through out the flowering of the Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai

Busenkai Instructors

Tomoki Takamura
4th Dan

+81 90 9383 1479

Daniel Everard
1st Dan

+1 778-322-3330

Woody Wu HsuanYi
2nd Dan

+81 90 9383 1479

Andika Siagian
3rd Dan


Jorge Ulloa
2nd Dan

07485 604626

Busenkai Dojo

Tokyo Japan

Nishiazabu Ikiki Plaza
Tuesday: 07:00pm – 08:30pm
Address: 2-13-3, Nishiazabu Minatoku, Tokyo

Minatoku Kougai Elementary School
Tuesday: 07:00 pm – 08:30 pm

Address: 3-11-16, Nishiazabu, Minatoku, Tokyo

Nerimaku Kamishakujii Taiikukan
Tuesday: 09:45am – 11:45am

Address: 3-11-16, Nishiazabu, Minatoku, TokyoAddress: 1-32-37, Kamishakujii Nerimaku, Tokyo

Representative: Tomoki Takamura

+81 90 9383 1479

Vancouver Canada

Vancouver Japanese Language School
487 Alexander St,
Vancouver, BC V6A 1C6
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
except for Holidays


Representative: Kurato Sembokuya

+1 778-322-3330


Dojo Perbakin
Pengprov Perbakin, Jl. Gajah Mada Kodam V Brawijaya, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60242
Thursday, 19.00 – 21.00 WIB

David Santana


Dojo Wisma Mukti
Pendopo Balai RW V Wisma Mukti, Jl. Klampis Indah VI Perumahan Wisma Mukti, Klampis Ngasem, Kec. Sukolilo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60117
Monday, 18.30 – 20.30 WIB
Saturday, 15.30 – 17.30 WIB

David Santana


Dojo Antares

Jl. Raya Tandes Lor No.1A, Gedangasin, Kec. Tandes, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60187
Saturday, 14.00 – 16.00 WIB

Donny Gandakusuma


Dojo GSC (Grand Sports Center)
Jl. Raya Jemursari No.68, Jemur Wonosari, Kec. Wonocolo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60237
Thursday, 19.15 – 21.15 WIB

Hengky Alexander


Citra Garden 
JL Jamin Ginting Komplek perumahan citra garden, Titi Rantai, Kec. Medan Baru, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20153
Sunday, 15.30 until 17.00



Irama Music Studio 
Jl Perniagaan No 53 A Medan
Saturday 15.00-16.30



Jl Hindu no 10 Medan
Saturday 13.30 until 15.00, Sunday 13.30 until 15.00



Creativ Kids Cemara Asri
JL Berjaya No 8R/S
Tuesday 18.00 – 19.30, Friday 18.00 – 19.30





Citraland Gamacity ClubHouse
Jl. Boulevard Raya No.Kel, Medan Estate, Kec. Percut Sei Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara 20371
Saturday 17.30 – 18.30



Pola Bugar.
Jl. Kedoya No. 35-F, Kedoya Selatan, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat 11520.
Tue & Fri: 19.30 – 21.30.

Contact Person: Andika


Gading Serpong.
Apotik dan klinik dr. Sukma.
Ruko union square No. 10-11, Gading Serpong, Banten
Sat: 16.00 – 17.30 Sun: 16.00 – 17.30

Contact Person: Andika


Citra Garden 2 Extension.
Blok BG1 No. 12 Jakarta Barat 11830.
Wed & Sat: 19.00 – 20.30

Contact Person: Andika


Rukan Citywalk Malibu Blok J 109. Cengkareng Timur. Jakarta Barat. 11730. Telp: 02154356038/37
Fri 19.00 – 21.00, Sat 08:00 – 10.00 Sun 18.00 – 20.00

Contact Person: Andika


ITC BSD Ruko Golden Road Blok C30 No. 22-23. Serpong.
Thu 19.00 – 20.30 (Advanced Class) & Sat 10.00 -12.00 & Sun: 16.00 – 17.30 (Kids Class)

Contact Person: Andika



10F,No. 163-1, Sec. 5, Minsheng E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Saturday: 8:00 pm-10:00 pm

Representative: Wu Hsuanyi

+886 918-858-318

618-8 Xinmin Road, Chiayi City
Tuesday: 08.00 pm – 09.30 pm
Friday: 08.00 pm – 09.30p m

Representative: Liu Jianwei



Alamilreyada Academy (El ferdous)
El fardous Bldgs, El Taqa st. Behind  Al Ahly club, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.
Sunday and Thursday at 7.00 pm.



MMHD club
Al Wazer station, Al Ashrah Zone, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.
Friday and Tuesday at 8.00 pm 



Topfighter Academy
50 Zaker Hussein st. Nasr city, Cairo, Egypt
Sunday and Thursday at 5 pm.


Grading System

Kyu Grades


  • Ukemi (Ushiro & Mae Mawari)
  • Tai no henko,
  • Suwariwaza Kokyuho


  • Ken no Suburi 1.


  • Ukemi (Ushiro & Mae Mawari)
  • Tai no henko,
  • Morotedori Kokyunage
  • Suwariwaza Kokyuho


  • Ken no Suburi 1 ~ 2.


  • Ukemi (Ushiro & Mae Mawari)
  • Tai no henko,
  • Morotedori Kokyunage
  • Shomenuchi Ikkyo Omote & Ura
  • Suwariwaza Kokyuho


  • Ken no Suburi 1 ~ 3.


  • Tai no henko
  • Morotedori Kokyunage
  • Shomenuchi Ikkyo ~ Nikkyo Omote & Ura
  • Suwariwaza Kokyuho


  • Ken no Suburi 1 ~ 5.

Minimum practice: 30 training days since 6th Kyu


  • Tai no henko
  • Morotedori Kokyunage
  • Shomenuchi / Yokomenuchi Ikkyo ~ Nikkyo Omote & Ura
  • Shihonage (1 kind)
  • Suwariwaza Kokyuho


  • Ken no Suburi 1 ~ 7.

Minimum practice: 40 training days since 5th Kyu


  • Tai no henko
  • Morotedori Kokyunage
  • Shomenuchi / Yokomenuchi Ikkyo ~ Sankyo Omote & Ura
  • Shihonage (2 kind)
  • Kotegaeshi (2 kind)
  • Iriminage (2 kind)
  • Suwariwaza Kokyuho


  • Ken no Suburi
  • Migi & Hidari no Awase

Minimum practice: 50 training days since 4th Kyu


  • Tai no henko
  • Morotedori Kokyunage
  • Kokyunage (1 kind)
  • Shomenuchi / Yokomenuchi Ikkyo ~ Yonkyo Omote & Ura
  • Shihonage (3 kind)
  • Kotegaeshi (3 kind)
  • Iriminage (3 kind)
  • Koshinage (1 kind)
  • Ushirowaza (1 kind)
  • Tenchinage
  • Suwariwaza Kokyuho


  • Tantodori (1 kind)
  • Tachidori (1 kind)
  • Jodori (1 kind)


  • Ken no Suburi
  • Migi & Hidari no Awase
  • Roku no Jo Kata
  • Jusan no Jo Kata.

Minimum practice: 50 training days since 3rd Kyu


  • Tai no henko
  • Morotedori Kokyunage
  • Kokyunage (2 kind)
  • Shomenuchi / Yokomenuchi Ikkyo ~ Gonkyo Omote & Ura
  • Shihonage (3 kind)
  • Kotegaeshi (3 kind)
  • Iriminage (3 kind)
  • Koshinage (2 kind)
  • Ushirowaza (2 kind)
  • Kaitennage Soto & Uchi
  • Tenchinage
  • Hanmi Handachi (3 kind)
  • Free Randori 1 Minute
  • Suwariwaza Kokyuho


  • Tantodori (2 kind)
  • Tachidori (2 kind)
  • Jodori (2 kind)


  • Ken no Suburi
  • Ken no Awase (1, 5, 7)
  • Roku no Jo Kata
  • Jusan no Jo Kata
  • Sanjuichi no Jo Kata.

Minimum practice: 60 training days since 2nd Kyu


  • Tai no henko
  • Morotedori Kokyunage
  • Kokyunage (3 kind)
  • Shomenuchi / Yokomenuchi Ikkyo ~ Gonkyo Omote & Ura
  • Shomenuchi / Yokomenuchi Ikkyo ~ Gonkyo Omote & Ura Suwariwaza, Shihonage (5 kind)
  • Kotegaeshi (5 kind)
  • Iriminage (5 kind)
  • Koshinage (3 kind)
  • Ushirowaza (3 kind)
  • Kaitennage Soto & Uchi
  • Tenchinage
  • Hanmi Handachi (5 kind)
  • Free Randori 2 Minutes
  • Suwariwaza Kokyuho (3 kind)


  • Tantodori (3 kind)
  • Tachidori (3 kind)
  • Jodori (3 kind)


  • Ken no Suburi
  • Ken no Awase (1, 5, 6, 7)
  • Jo no Suburi
  • Roku no Jo Kata
  • Jusan no Jo Kata
  • Sanjuichi no Jo Kata.

Dan Grades

Minimum age:

  • 15 years

Minimum practice:

  • 6 months / 80 training days since 1st kyu


  • Suwariwaza-Ikkyo~Gokyo (Shomen-Uchi),
  • Nagewaza and Buki-dori (3 forms)
  • Jiyuwaza (bare hands x 1 and ken x 1, 45 seconds minimum)


  • Ken-no-Suburi 1~7
  • Jo-no-Suburi 1~20

Minimum age:

  • 18 years

Minimum practice:

  • 1 and a half years / 300 training days since 1st Dan


  • Suwariwaza-Ikkyo~Gokyo (Shomen-Uchi)
  • Nagewaza and Buki-dori (3 forms)
  • Jiyuwaza (bare hands x 2 and ken x 1, 1 minute minimum)


  • Ken-no-Suburi 1~7
  • Jo-no-Suburi 1~20
  • Ken-no-awase (right, left, gohon, roppon, nanahon)
  • 31 jo-no-kata and 13 jo-no-kata

Minimum age:

  • 25 years

Minimum practice:

  • 2 and a half years / 500 training days since 2nd Dan


  • Suwariwaza- Ikkyo-Gokyo (Shomen-Uchi/Yokomen-Uchi)
  • Tachiwaza- Ikkyo~Gokyo (Shomen-Uchi / Yokomen Uchi, different techniques from Suwariwaza)
  • Nagewaza (4 forms)
  • Buki-dori Jiyuwaza (ken x 1, jo x 1, tanken x 1, 1 minute 30 seconds minimum)


  • Ken-no-Suburi 1~7
  • Happo-giri (Suburi Kata 1-2-6-7)
  • Kumi Tachi 1~5
  • Kimusubi-no-Tachi
  • Jo-no-Suburi 1~20
  • 31 no-kumi-jo
  • 13 jo-no-awase

Minimum age:

  • 30 years

Minimum practice:

  • 3 and a half years / 600 training days since 3rd Dan


  • Suwariwaza-Ikkyo~Gokyo (Shomen-Uchi/Yokomen-Uchi)
  • Tachiwaza- Ikkyo~Gokyo (Shomen-Uchi/Yokomen-Uchi, different techniques from Suwariwaza)
  • Nagewaza (4 forms), Buki-dori Jiyuwaza (bare hands x 1, ken x 1, jo x 1, tanken x 1, 1 minute 30 seconds minimum)


  • Ken-no-Suburi 1~7
  • Jo-no-Suburi 1~20
  • Ken-tai-Jo 1~7
  • Kumijo 1~10 (11 including yon-no-ni)

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